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Why Masonry? - homeDESIGNstl - homeDESIGNstl
Why Masonry?
Masonry is resistant to fire, earthquakes, and sound.
When exposed to fire, masonry does not burn, melt, twist or warp.
Masonry is the most environmentally-friendly building system available.
Masonry construction requires less insulation than other building systems.
Masonry is slow to absorb or lose heat.
Masonry can be easily recycled.
Masonry does not emit toxins during a fire.
Masonry materials do not emit volatile gases.
Masonry buildings have been known to last for hundreds – even thousands – of years.
Masonry materials come in hundreds of colors and decorative finishes.
Masonry offers great design versatility.
Masonry structures have lower insurance costs than non-masonry structures.
Brick homes command an average 6% higher resale price than non-brick homes.
Masonry guidelines ensure that structures are built to resist fire, hail and wind.
Masonry buildings show little distress from impact of flying debris during tornados.
Masonry’s life cycle is unsurpassed by any other building material.
Masonry enhances the occupants’ comfort & health.
Masonry is fireproof and water and insect resistant.
Masonry is virtually impervious to the ravages of time and weather.
Masonry is a natural insulator.
Masonry is resistant to mold.
Masonry is one hundred percent durable.
Masonry does not support mold growth.
Masonry does not provide a food source for mold spores.
Masonry limits moisture penetration.
Masonry will not decay or rot if exposed to mold.